Touchscreen control
Our 7” Touchscreen Control System with Ruby Apps™ gives you complete control of your electric or gas brewery with a full host of applications and features including:
HLT Temp Control
Automatic HERMS offset temp for Mash Temp Control
(3) Boil Control Modes – PID Control, % Output, Smart Boil (automatically lowers output percentage at boiling point)
Digital Control system monitors kettle temps to within 0.5° to avoid any temperature spike or drop while brewing
Pump Control
Delay Start HLT (only available on electric system controls)
Save up to 100 recipes with automated mash and boil schedules
(3) Programmable Process Timers
(3) Programmable Temperature Alarms (high and low)
Energy Usage Calculator (tracks electricity cost per batch) - (only available on electric system controls)
Gravity Conversion Calculator
Carbonation Calculator
Temperature Trends
Strike Water Temp Calculator
Alcohol ABV/ABW Calculator
Electronic Ignition with Safe Flame Sensing Technology (gas fired)
Wifi access allows complete control and monitoring from any mobile device (not required for system operation)
SD card utilities allow temperature trend data and recipe export from unit
Help Screens / On-board electronic users guide for all functions
Touch-Screen Control Electric
Touchscreen Control Gas
Wifi Control and Monitoring from any mobile device